

Juan Picture

Juan F. Lam

Juan Lam is a storyteller and creative technologist born in Miami, Florida. He works across various mediums to forge experiences of wonder and moments of magic. His interests include virtual experiences, interactive media, novels and stories, and above all: swords, robots, and lasers.

As a student, Juan studies creative writing and mixed reality technologies to create interactive experiences. As a storyteller, he writes fun, hopeful, and exciting stories through every medium he can. As a human, he procrastinates very much on doing all of the above.

📊 Stats

Projects & Tracking

Using Notion, I keep track of everything about an ongoing project: hours spent, what skills are involved, and their overall progress using objectives. As a result, I have a robust amount of data concerning how my skills, projects, and time is distributed. This helps me keep an eye on how I'm spending my time. Plus, I like data! All stats are relatively rough estimates -- it's just for fun, after all.

đŸŽ¯ Skills
Skill Time Spent Progress to "Pretty Good"
👾 Game Dev 586 hours
⌨ī¸ Web Dev 234 hours
✒ī¸ Writing 232 hours
🤖 3D Art 140 hours
đŸŽŦ VFX 40 hours
🧮 Project Types
Category Projects Time Spent
📑 Short Story 34 89 hours
🕹ī¸ Interactive Experience 10 594 hours
📒 Essay or Blog 9 15 hours
đŸ’ģ Web App 7 243 hours
📖 Longform Writing 7 101 hours

Juan has spent 1221 hours working on 81 projects, and has written ~150959 words (so far).

📖 Quest Journal

Goals & Quests

I plan my life very loosely -- I look no further than 3 months ahead at a time (a season) and I give myself deadlines only begrudgingly, to make sure I'm somewhat focused. To make things more fun, I've developed a simple "productivity" system. Every season, roughly a financial quarter's worth of time, I give myself "Quests", which you can explore below!


Epic Quests


  • Publish a Short Story Complete
  • Publish Novel
  • Write a comic book Complete
  • Create a Game Complete
  • Publish Short Story Collection Paused
  • ⚒ī¸ Workbench

    Projects In Progress

    Everything ultimately revolves around projects for me, so here you can check out a few of the projects I'm working on right now!

    Intergalactic Traffic Control

    Interactive Experience

    Your room is the place ships go between hyper-jumps! Unbeknownst to them, their fates on the cosmic sea is in your steady hands. Your job is simple — get each spaceship to its appropriate hyper-hoop without crashing into anything or otherwise dying a horrible death. Should be easy, right?

    ⌛256 Hours Spent

    🌟 Nameless Things (Graphic Novel)

    Graphic Novel

    The story of Lance Martin, who must change his destiny or die at the hands of vengeful gods

    ⌛28 Hours Spent

    This Site

    This website is my little spot on the Internet. It's a repository of my thoughts, my stories, and the things that I find wonderful. The primary purpose of this site, besides serving as a resume, a project log, and a blog, is to house my stories. My philosophy concerning sharing my work is simple: I do it for free. The reason for that is partly selfish. I realized that my writing was harmed by the pressure to be a "good writer", where good really just meant "good enough to get published." By sharing my stories for free, I am myself freed from that pressure, and I get to do the thing I love most: create without bounds or limitations. Internal or otherwise. As such, your support would mean a lot to me, and I hope you consider donating.

    Buy me a coffee ☕

    Wonder Box

    You might be wondering what this is... The wonderbox is my personal treasure chest of influential stories, games, movies, ideas, books, videos, etc... enter if you dare to find something awesome.

    Enter the Wonder Box

    Some books I've recently read

    arrow Follow my Goodreads!
    Artificial Intelligence: An Illustrated History: From Medieval Robots to Neural Networks
    Creative Quest
    The Farthest Shore
    Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity
    The Sandman: Overture
    The Sandman: Endless Nights